Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Andrew Topolski

Andrew Topolski




 The particular thing, whether it be four pinches of four
divers white powders cleverly compounded to cure surely,
safely, pleasantly a painful twitching of the eyelids or say a pencil
sharpened at one end , dwarfs the imagination, makes logic a butterfly,
offers a finality that sends us spinning through space, a fixity the mind could climb forever
a revolving mountain, a complexity with a surface of glass; the gist of poetry. D.C. al fin.

 William Carlos Williams

Sunday, November 27, 2011

John Hejduk

Cathedral, Model 1996 Collection CCA

House of the Painter 1984, Painted Wood Model Collection CCA

Hole in The Wall

 SMO ©

"...A virginity which, in its solitude, faced with the transparency of a commensurate gaze, has itself
been as it were fragmented into its component whiteness, one upon the next, the wedding proofs of the Idea. "

Language, Literature & Aesthetics "
Mallarme in Prose
edited by
Mary Ann Caws

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Photo: Selim M. Ozalp ©

To Earth
Be earnest, Earth,- and kind.
This flower that opened  in the storm
Has fallen with the after -hush.
Be earnest, Earth, - and kind.

Hart Crane

Nazim Hikmet


Giderayak  islerim var bitirilecek,

Ceylani kurtardim avcinin elinden
ama daha baygin yatar ayilamadi.
Kopardim portakali dalindan
ama kabugu soyulmadi.
Oldum yildizlarla hasir nesir
ama sayisi bir tamam sayilmadi.
kuyudan cektim suyu
ama bardaklara konulamadi
Guller dizildi tepsiye
ama tasdan fincan oyulmadi
Sevdalara doyulmadi
Giderayak islerim var bitirilecek,


Before departing,  I have things to complete,
                                                   before departing.

I saved the deer  from a hunter,
still lay on the ground unconscience. 
I pick the orange from  the branch
still not pill off the skin.
I have acquainted with the stars
still not accounted their numbers.
I draw water from the well
still not poured the glasses.
Roses lined up on the plate
still not carved cup from the stone.
I am not fulfil with the love
before departing,  I have things to complete,
                                                 before departing.

Translation: Selim M. Ozalp


Selim Ozalp, 2011 ©

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gao Xing Jian

Maybe there isn't a God after all, maybe there's only a universe rotating by itself like a millstone.
GAO XINGJIAN, The Other Shore

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tribeca, NYC 2011

'Good night,, Nana, be a good girl...'
Zola, L'asommoir

Junction / Cycle

 Photo: Selim  M. Ozalp
Art Work: Richard Serra, Junction / Cycle , Gagosian Galery, NY 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011


Those images brought back an ancient childhood memory,
the days predated the  TV's , and  certainly cyberspace..
an ancient shadow play broadcast on the radio, the years must be late 50's
the place is Istanbul,Turkey. After the dinners 
 family gathered in the form of  a half a circle in front of the Radio,
we all focused on the voice of announcer
 now dialogs of wise and witty exchanges between the two
rather peculiar chartecters named
KARAGOZ & HACIVAT  was on the air....

Karagöz (meaning blackeye in Turkish) and Hacivat ( shortened in time from "Hacı Ä°vaz" meaning "Ä°vaz the Pilgrim", and also sometimes written as Hacivad) are the lead characters of the traditional Turkish shadow play, popularized during the Ottoman period. The central theme of the plays are the contrasting interaction between the two main characters. They are perfect foils of each other: Karagöz represents the illiterate but straightforward public, whereas Hacivat belongs to the educated class, speaking Ottoman Turkish and using a poetical and literary language. Although Karagöz has definitely been intended to be the more popular character with the Turkish peasantry, Hacivat is always the one with a level head. Though Karagöz always outdoes Hacivat’s superior education with his “native wit,” he is also very impulsive and his never-ending deluge of get-rich-quick schemes always results in failure. Hacivat continually attempts to “domesticate” Karagöz, but never makes progress. According to Turkish dramaturge Kırlı, Hacivat emphasizes the upper body with his refined manners and aloof disposition, while Karagöz is more representational of “the lower body with eating, cursing, defecation and the phallus."[1] Karagöz-Hacivat plays are especially associated with Ramadan. Until the rise of radio and film, it was one of the most popular forms of entertainment in Turkey. It survives today mainly in a toned-down form intended for audiences of children.[1] *


Sunday, November 6, 2011

John Hejduk

Studio for a Painter by John Hejduk. Photograph by Siegfried Buker.
via Architectures Winter 1985