Thursday, January 12, 2012

Farkas Molnar, 1897-1945

 Bauhaus Villa, 1932

Excerpt from "Life at the Bauhaus (1925)"

"And now one or two intimate details about the bigwigs.  Kandinsky prefers to appear decked out as an antenna, Itten as an amorphous monster, Feininger as two right triangles, Moholy-Nagy as a segment transpierced by a cross, Gropius as Le Corbusier, Muche as an apostle of Mazdaznan, Klee as the song of the blue tree.  A rather grotesque menagerie…
The dance is non-stop.  The members of the Jazz-kapelle break up their instruments.  The proprietor loses his patience.  Outside the police set up machine guns made of cherry brandy bottles.  Inside, the high point is reached.  Barometer at 365 degrees.  Maximal tension.  But it all comes to an end.  Hebestreit the executioner shows up.  The red arrow points at the emergency exit."
[Originally published as “Élet a Bauhausban,” Periszkop (June-July 1925)]

Farkas Molnars's "Life at the Bauhaus (1925)
by Ross Wolfe

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